In 1958, 17 year old Robert G. Heft designed a 50 star flag for a school project. He received a B- on it, but his teacher made a deal that if he got it approved by Congress he would bump his grade up. A year later, when Alaska and Hawaii were granted statehood, his flag design was chosen and he got an A.
US President Coolidge used to prank his bodyguards by ringing for them and then hiding under his desk.

Gabriel de Clieu brought the first coffee seedlings to the New World to the island of Martinique in 1720. Over the next fifty years there were 18,680 coffee trees and it eventually spread to other parts of Latin America. Of the top 10 coffee producing country 6 are from Latin America, all because of those first little seeds.

Both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on the same day, July 4, 1826. Jefferson’s last words were, “Is it the Fourth?” and Adams were, “Thomas Jefferson survives.”, not knowing that Jefferson died several hours earlier.

During World War II, in order to fool Germany into thinking the invasion would come from somewhere else, the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops or Ghost Army used inflatable tanks, sound trucks, and fake radio transmission.

The Three Hundred and Thirty Five Years' War was fought between the Isle of Scilly and the Netherlands from March 30 1651 to April 17 1986. The total casualties resulted in zero for each sides due to the Netherlands declaring war on the Royalist forces holding the island right before they would surrender to the Parliamentarians ending the English Civil war, but there was never an official declaration of peace so the war just continued until Jonkheer Rein Huydecoper signed a peace treaty.
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