1. In this Image, Scott Jones from Australia is kissing his girlfriend Alex Thomas from Canada when she was knocked onto the ground by a police officer's riot shield in Vancouver, British Columbia.
2. In this picture, you can easily guess that these sisters are posing for the same photo after many years.
3. In this picture, a Russian war veteran kneels beside the tank in which he spent the war in, which is now a monument.
4. A child from Romania is handing a heart-shaped balloon to the riot police during the protests against austerity measures in Bucharest.
5. In this picture, a Retired Philadelphia Police Captain named “Ray Lewis” is getting arrested for participating in the Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011.
6. In this picture, a dog named "Leao" is sitting for a second consecutive day at the grave of his owner, who died during the disastrous landslides.
7. In this picture, A dog and his owner are reunited after the tsunami which hit Japan in 2011.
8. This is a kindhearted firefighter who is giving water to a koala during the devastating bushfires that burned across Victoria, Australia, in the year 2009.
9. This is a photo taken by astronaut named “William Anders” during the Apollo 8 mission which was held in 1968.