Showing posts with label ww2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ww2. Show all posts

Sunday, September 1, 2024

What is the craziest military tactic ever used?

The modern day bayonet charge.

Even back when the bayonet charge was a legitimate war time tactic, you still needed to have some stones to pull it off. In modern times with weapons that include magazines, ammo belts, high explosives, and weapons with high cyclic rate of fire; the thought of a bayonet charge is insane. As a disclaimer, I would not try this at home or at all.

Enter Corporal Brian Wood.

On 14 May 2004 a squad of British warrior fv510s (an infantry fighting vehicle that carries a small squad of infantry and light weaponry) were responding as backup to a unit that had been ambushed at a point known as Checkpoint Danny Boy outside of Amarah in Iraq.

More than 100 of the Mahdi forces from prepared positions had opened fire and disabled a number of the vehicles in the patrol. Corp. Wood’s unit came to respond. When Corp. Brian Wood (then aged 22) came under fire, he found that his lead vehicle had been struck by a well placed rocket propelled grenade, knocking it completely out of the fight. Corp. Wood’s vehicle was struck next. The driver of the Warrior turned to Wood and told him what happened, “we’re #^%ed, the 30mm cannon has been disabled, and we’re one lucky shot away from becoming an over-microwaved TV dinner.”

Under pressure with enemy fire coming from three different positions and knowing his vehicle was a sitting duck, Wood did the only thing that seemed to make sense to him at the time. Without hesitation he kicked the back door open and ordered his men to fix bayonets.

Rather than staying put and waiting under cover for backup, Wood and his 5 soldiers decided to take the fight to the enemy.

Using sequential bounding tactics, the six British men would charge, drop, fire, and charge. They made their way 200 or so meters to safety. They made it all the way to the enemy fixed position, and charged over it. The men on the fixed position were not expecting hand to hand combat, so Wood’s men made short work of the men who were there. They attracted so much attention that it pulled the attackers back from attacking the convoy. The crew members inside of his warrior were able to bring its 30 mm cannon back online. The Mahdi forces withdrew shortly after.

The best part of this? Not only did it work, and not only were there enemies that were captured/ forced to retreat, but none of the British were killed.

Corporal Wood went on to receive a military cross for bravery.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

**what were the punishments for women who had S#X with Nazi soldiers?**


The punishments for women who had sex with Nazi soldiers varied depending on the specific circumstances and the laws in place at the time. Here are some general details:

  1. Punishment without Trial: Women who had sex with German soldiers during the war were often punished without trial, even if no crime had been committed. This was the case in Norway, where women who had sex with German soldiers were punished without trial, while men who married German women were not penalized.
  2. Rape and Sexual Enslavement: Women were also subjected to rape and sexual enslavement by Nazi soldiers. This was a widespread practice, and many women were forced into sexual slavery.
  3. Castration: The Nazis also passed laws allowing for the castration of men convicted under Paragraph 175. This was done to prevent them from committing further sexual offenses.

During World War II, the Nazi regime implemented policies that legalized and organized prostitution in military brothels as a means to control soldiers' sexual behavior and prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). This territorial conquest policy had harrowing consequences for the women coerced into sex work. This note focuses on the aspects of sexual violence perpetrated in the name of war crimes and the resentment and persecution faced by prostitutes in Nazi Germany in the aftermath of World War II.

In the occupied territories, women were forced into sexual slavery to serve in military brothels, which were labeled as "treatment centers." The Nazi regime considered these women racially inferior, exploiting them to further Nazi ideological goals. A prisoner-of-war manual issued by the OKW in 1940 explicitly condoned rape and sexual violence against civilian women in the occupied territories.

The exploitation of these women constitutes a war crime, as defined by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Article 7 of the Rome Statute, on Crimes Against Humanity, outlines that sexual enslavement is a punishable offense and that the use of civilian women for sexual purposes is encompassed within its definition. The Nazi actions clearly violate modern international law and standards.

The post-war period in Germany brought about intense scrutiny and silencing mechanisms concerning sexual violence and the role of Nazi brothels. Women forced into sexual labor and rape survivors faced lingering shame, stigma, and psychological suffering. Additionally, women who worked in these brothels were denied reparations for the traumatic experiences they endured and were mired in stigma and embarrassment.

Prostitutes in Nazi Germany were seen by society not as victims but as collaborators who deserved punishment. Even though they were compelled into this work, they faced severe legal repercussions and exclusion from social safety nets after the war. For instance, the 1953 German Law on Prostitution criminalized those who engaged in sex work, aiming to reduce the spread of STDs while simultaneously ignoring the broader systemic issues that initially enforced such

sexual exploitation.

Friday, June 7, 2024

What are the most disturbing facts about the Middle Ages that most people do not know?

 Can Europeans, and European women in particular, become objects of trade? The idea seems laughable, since the term ‘slave trade’ almost always brings Africans to mind. Yet there was a time not so long ago when Europe exported white slaves on a large scale to African

These slaves were taken during hit-and-run raids by either Crimean Tatar horsemen or North African corsairs. A raiding party would typically descend on an isolated village and carry away its inhabitants—or rather those who were commercially useful, particularly young women and young boys.

There was a time farther back when Europeans were accomplices in this trade and when it provided most of their foreign exchange. This was during the Dark Ages and the early Middle Ages, specifically the 8th to 12th centuries.

The Slave Market, painting (c. 1884) by Jean-Léon Gérôme


The slave trade was a godsend for the elites of France, Germany, and Italy. With the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century, they had to dip into their gold reserves to buy foreign luxury goods from the Middle East, generally clothing, upholstery, tapestries, carpets, and other precious fabrics (Skirda, 2010, pp. 56-57).


By the 8th century, these reserves had been almost completely exhausted. Gold was giving way to silver, and even that medium of exchange was being debased. Western Europe had largely reverted to an economy of autarky, its shrunken towns and cities no longer major centers of trade. Most people produced everything they needed within their local village or manor.

Would Western Europe have eventually returned on its own to an international trading economy? Perhaps, although revival of trade would have become more difficult once the elites had become accustomed to autarky. As things turned out, they found the means to buy foreign luxury goods almost at the same time their gold reserves ran out.


The 8th century brought the rapid expansion of a new civilization, Islam, into the Middle East, North Africa, and Spain. Its Arab elite was darker-skinned than the Greco-Roman or Visigothic elites it displaced. It was also more polygynous. A new market had come into being, a market for wives and concubines. European women were especially sought after, not because they were exotic but because their fair skin and fine facial features corresponded to notions of beauty that were indigenous to Arab culture. Initially, this trade involved prisoners of war captured during the Islamic wars of expansion. Soon, however, a peaceful trading relationship developed.

It was officially prohibited by Christian emperors and popes alike, but in reality, people closed their eyes and everything was tolerated in exchange for good gold dinars. Needless to say, this trade would have been impossible without the active collaboration of local elites. They were the main beneficiaries.


Jews played an extraordinarily important role in the development of medieval European society. Besides of popular engagement in the slave trade, the significant advances in agrarian techniques and the resulting agricultural surplus led to the rise of cities and increased urban populations. This in turn paved the way for the opening of international trade routes and the creation of wealth on a scale not seen since the heyday of the Roman Empire. Jewish merchants occupied a critical segment of this international trade, facilitated by the far-flung networks of friends and family connections inherent in the broad geographic distribution of Jews in the Diaspora. The earliest Jewish trading routes extended from the Atlantic shores of France to the Pacific shores of China. Jewish merchants primarily carried commodities that combined small bulk and high demand, including spices, perfumes, jewelry, and silk.

Under Islam, Jews were allowed to practice their faith and live according to the laws and scriptures of their community. During most of the 10th and 11th centuries, a period known as the “Golden Age,” Jewish community flourished in Islamic Spain. Jews achieved hitherto unknown heights in fields of philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, and linguistics. Under Muslim rulers, Jews served in prominent governmental and military positions. However and it should be noticed, Jews were influencial part of european society long before Muslim conquered Spain. Long before 10th century Jews ruled the Khazar Khaganat that was later annexed by Russia in the 9th century. Khazars were Jews. Their correspondence with Spanish Jews in Hebrew language is still kept in archives. All correspondence was written in Hebrew language obviously.

Old Bible was written in Hebrew language. In the first millennium the Bible was translated from Hebrew to Latin and to Greek and it had the impact to the formation and development Latin language and later to development of all Slavic languages. Jews was only the nation in Europe that had a total literacy in the medieval history therefore they was in charge of chronicles all over Europe and Middle East. They translated Bibles to European languages and to Greek language. Hebrew speakers hold all key positions in the medieval period. All Christian monks and other Christian clerks have studied Hebrew in seminaries, many of them were Jews that have had converted to Christianity, Hebrew was their mother tongue.

Jewish financial success was particularly due to the enmity between Christianity and Islam. Since Islamic states of the Middle East and Christian kingdoms of Europe often banned each other's merchants from entering their territories, the Jewish merchants and traders functioned as neutral intermediaries and translators, keeping open the lines of communication and trade between the lands of the old Roman Empire and the Far East. The question is how people communicated during the medieval trade?

Hebrew was a lingua franca

Hebrew was an international language in medieval period. Here is two linguistic examples show the impact of Hebrew language during middle ages:

  • Hebrew root of Russia. The word [Rus/Ros] is Greek form of Hebrew word [ראש] means the head, the leader, the ruler. Kievan Rus practiced Judaism before adopted Christianity. Rus as the name of the country had appeared in chronicles only after Kiev was conquered by Ruriks in 9th century. At the time of Rurikis conquered Kiev in 9th century, Novgorod still practiced paganism. However Kiev was Jewish already for centuries before Ruriks defeated Khazarian Kaganat and conquered Kiev, the city practiced Judaism. Kiev was jewish city because Khazars, owners of Kiev, were jews
  • Etymology of the word slave. It came from the Hebrew word [צלב - tzlav] meaning “the cross” referred to the Christian cross and to Christianity. In arabic the cross is pronounced [slab] similar to Hebrew. From that root two Latin words has been delivered: slave and celebration. 1400 years ago the terms “christianity”, “christians” as definition of people who believed in Jesus were not widely spread in Europe yet. So when African and Arabic pirates captured european people from the shore areas of Italy or Spain they identify them according to the presence of the cross on the chest [tzlav or slab]. However at the same time for the word glorification in English we have synonym Latin word celebration that shares the very same Semitic root [Heb:- tzlav] or [Arab: - slab] with slave that mean the cross as a symbol of Christianity. Later, to all slavic languages that word was reflected as the Glory - [Rus. - Slava] .

Map of Cologne, Hartmann Schedel, Liber Chronicarum, Cologne, A. Koberger, 1493.


There were 3 groups of European slave traders:

  • Vikings. The northern route, via the Baltic, was run by Viking traders. While the Vikings are perhaps best known for accumulating wealth through plunder and conquest, they were also skilled and successful traders. The Vikings developed several trading centres both in Scandinavia and abroad as well as a series of long-distance trading routes during the Viking Age. The Viking economy and slave trade network also effectively helped rebuild the European economy after the fall of the Roman Empire.
  • Radanites. Jewish medieval merchants were known as “Radanites.” Radanites were the ones who controlled the western overland route from the Eastern territories to Muslim Spain via Germany and France. In the Western Europe most medieval Jews resided in Spain. The term “Radanites” was derived from the name of the Muslim-Christian border along the river Rhone (in Latin Rodanus) because of an intense slave trade which was conducted across it. An alternate origin of the term “Radanite” was a Persian word for those who “knew the way.” This explanation was related to the leading role of Jewish merchants in trade after the fall of the Roman Empire.
  • Khazars. The various eastern routes, via the Dnieper, the Don, and the Volga, were run by either Viking or Khazar traders. Khazars were Jewish also. The capital of Khazaria, Itil, was an important Jewish trading center. Jewish merchants played an important role in international trade after the fall of the Roman Empire. For two centuries they made Hebrew the only language of world commerce.

All three trading groups worked with each other, particularly the Radanites and the Khazars (turks who converted to Judaism).

From the 7th century to mid-10th century Radanites controlled the trade which encompassed Western Europe, Africa and China. It was a period when Hebrew was the only language of world trade. Slavery, which was the foundation of the Roman economy, was important in the Arab Empire in which the Jews became the main merchants, trading with the infidels


Poland. Commonwealth. Russia

In 11th century in PolandJews in service of Boleslav the Great minted his coins and inscribed on them the name of the Polish sovereign with Hebrew letters. Besides such highly valued craftsmen business Jews were engaged in profitable slave-trade business.

The Catholic Church

The Catholic Church fought against slavery and this fight is documented in the treatise “Infelix Aurum” by the first patron saint of Poland, and since A.D. 997 the first bishop of Gdansk, Adalbert or Wojciech . In the struggle against the slave trade the family of St. Adalbert lost the Czech throne in Prague to their opponents supported by Jewish slave traders. One of 18 sculptures on the 1170 bronze door made for the cathedral of Gniezno depicted the scene of redeeming manacled Christian slaves by a Polish bishop from Jewish merchants in the presence of the son of King Boleslaus the Great, the second formally crowned King of Poland, Mieszko II (990-1034).”

As described in the book "Sulejman the Great", the constant Tatar raiding and counter-raids by Cossacks and Polish magnates were everpresent issue in Polish-Ottoman relations in XVI century. While reading the description, it's almost boring: the year so-and-so Tatars raided villages, they cavalry hit them and recaptured part of captives; the same year conterraid hit Oczakow, killing Tatars and recapturing slaves. The next year another Tatar raid hit so-and-so areas... and so it went for a hundreds of years... Tatar raiding to Poland and to Russia continued till 18th when Catherine The Great annexed Crimea and ended slavery practice.

One of such kidnapped girls was Hürrem Sultan

Photo: Hürrem Sultan in the popular Turkish TV series.

Hürrem Sultan, the wife of Süleyman the Magnificent was Russian girl, daughter of the Orthodox priest, was kidnapped and sold to the slavery from her little town in the Kingdom of Poland. She became the wife of Ottoman emperor. Her original name was Alexandra LisovskaRaised as a Christian Orthodox, he was made to convert to Islam to enter the harem, the royal household in which hundreds of women were held in servitude to the sultan. She was kidnapped by Crimean Tatars. The typical business of Crimean Tatars until 18th century was kidnapping people to sell them to the slavery.

200 years later another remarkable woman, the Russian empress Catherine The Great came to power, she liberated thousands enslaved Russians from Tatar yok by annexing Crimean peninsula. She ended up that degraded slave-trade business once and forever

Paintings by Johann Baptist von Lampi der Ältere. Catherine II. Despite being born Lutheran, after convertion to Orthodox Christianity she became most fervent defender of Russianness everywhere she stepped her foot .


In the 11th century the main slave market was in Arabic Spain, then the most civilized country in Europe.

France and Italy

The white slaves were castrated in Verdun, Venice, and Lyon and sold by slave-traders to Spain. This slave trade also included girls and small boys who were properly indoctrinated in order to be used later by Arab rulers as bodyguards, slave soldiers and bureaucrats.

Only the adolescent boys and girls were spared, enslaved, and immediately sold to the merchants accompanying the armies. The Barbarian was able to get gold by trading in slaves. These objects of servile trade and commerce would be integrated into harems and used as military slaves or eunuchs. Adults and children were eliminated for obvious reasons. They did not correspond to the Muslim demand for young virgin girls and beardless boys and it was out of the question to gather children and raise them. The traders had neither the time nor the willingness and more importantly it would not have been cost-effective. Later, they would spare the lives of more captives, by selecting them according to their capacities for productive work and by using them to the limit of their strength at laborious physical tasks (Skirda, 2010, pp. 85-86).

The captives were taken overland by various routes: through Germany and France to Muslim Spain; through Venice and by ship to the Middle East; or down the Dniepr, the Don, or the Volga to the Middle East via the Black Sea or the Caspian. How many were traded? It’s difficult to say, but Skirda (2010, p. 6) advances a figure between several tens of thousands and several hundreds of thousands for the period extending from the 8th to 12th centuries.

It was this trade, more than any other, that revived the old trading networks not only between Europe and the Middle East, but also within Europe itself. The balance of foreign exchange also shifted in Europe’s favor, thus giving the elites of France, Germany, and Italy the means to buy not only foreign goods but also local products, thereby stimulating a long economic recovery that would take Europe out of the Dark Ages. As Skirda notes ironically:

The Italians who were the “great initiators of Europe” became the promoters of trading companies, creators of credit, restorers of currency. It is easier to understand why almost all historians and commentators have silently observed this phenomenon. It is difficult for them to acknowledge that the economic renaissance of the West of the 10th and 11th centuries was achieved through human trafficking! “ (Skirda, 2010, p. 112)

Islamic Spain was the main market for slaves (eunuchs, girls, and young boys). Slavery which was the foundation of the Roman economy was important in the Arab Empire. Some slaves were sold as far away as China, which also bought furs, beaver skins, silk, and weapons. Exports from China to Europe included cinnamon, spices, musk, and camphor.

Western Europe exported over a million slaves between 1530 and 1780 (Davis, 2004). Between 1500 and 1650 Eastern Europe exported 1.5 million slaves to Africa, the Middle East and Asia (Fisher, 1972; Kolodziejczyk, 2006).


Slavery existed in England in the 11th century - Domesday book records how many slaves in each village. The Norse and Vikings had their 'thralls'. In 11th century Bristol shipped English slaves to the Viking city of Dublin - the then Bishop of Worcester, St Wulfstan, preached against the trade.


Enslaved by Vikings people were called thralls in Old Norse language. As many as 10% of the population of Scandinavia were thralls, according to the Norwegian researchers. Most of thralls were local Scandinavian people. They can have been kidnapped or captured during Viking raids and forced into slavery. Or they can also have simply sunk into debts and had to meet their obligations by entering into lifelong slavery. Thrallhood was inherited by maternal bloodline: if mother was a thrall then child will be a thrall even if father was a freeman; if mother was a free woman then child will be freeman even the father was a thrall. Scandinavia abolished thralldom the 14th century

Some thralls were imported to Scandinavia from the Islamic world. In Viking Raids, slaves and captives were usually of great importance for both the monetary and labor value. In addition to being bought and sold, thralls could used to pay off debts as well, and were often used as human sacrifices in religious ceremonies. A slave's price depend on their skills, age, health, and looks. Many pagan and christian thralls were sold by the vikings to the Caliphate because of the high demand.

Vikings called themselves Rus and they were founding fathers of Kievan Rus'. The Arab traveller ibn Fadlan described these Vikings as follows:

I have seen the Rus as they came on their merchant journeys and encamped by the Itil. I have never seen more perfect physical specimens, tall as date palms, blond and ruddy; they wear neither tunics nor caftans, but the men wear a garment which covers one side of the body and leaves a hand free. Each man has an axe, a sword, and a knife, and keeps each by him at all times. The swords are broad and grooved, of Frankish sort.