Wednesday, June 12, 2024

killing and enslavery don’t correspond with each other.


  Islamization, killing and enslavery don’t correspond with each other. 

They either Islamized, enslaved, or killed the people. They can’t do all three to the same person, as much as you like to use them altogether in the same sentence.

Slavery is not very unique to Muslims at all. Every invader, imperialist or expansionist, even the self-contained civilizations practiced it. It existed in Europe until 1960s.

For example do we know what happened when the Aryans invaded India and destroyed the Harappan civilization? We don’t. But I’ll give you a hint from what we know: They created the caste system and forced the natives into social classes. Then of course they mixed with each other throughout time, and castes became more ethnically heterogeneous, but researches show us how it all started.

Do you know the Behistun inscription? It is the earliest Persian (tri-lingual) inscription from around 520BCE, written in Mesopotamian Cuneiform. The first two languages were Babylonian and Elamite, who were both devoured by Persians in the next few centuries.

Below is a remake of the inscription, to be seen more clearly. It shows how Darius the Persian king, brags about crushing all civilizations around Persia, chaining their leaders and bringing them to heel.

Only biased people complain about the slavery in one civilization, while turning a blind eye to 18 million Africans enslaved with 1/3 casualty rate by America, or the wiped out American natives for not cooperating as “slaves”.

Religions caused many atrocities, and we can’t achieve anything by favoring one and demonizing the other. It’s all, or none.

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