Monday, June 24, 2024

The HORRIFIC Torture Of The Women Who Slept With German Soldiers


The HORRIFIC Torture Of The Women Who Slept With German Soldiers

Following the Allied surrender to France, many women were publicly humiliated, beaten and even killed by angry mobs after being accused of "relation lines" (ribs) with German soldiers. The Nazi regime used laws to regulate and regulate prostitution in the military as a way to control soldiers' sexual behavior and prevent homosexuality. 

The policy of taking over this region caused great harm to women who were forced into sex work. This narrative focuses on the specifics of the atrocities committed in the name of war in Nazi Germany after World War II and the resentment and oppression experienced by prostitutes. During slavery, these hospitals were called "medical centers." 

The Nazi government viewed these women as a minority and used them to further the Nazi agenda. The POW book, published by Stavka in 1940, clearly described the harassment and sexual harassment of female civilians in the occupied territories. International Criminal Court. Article 7 of the Rome Statute on crimes against humanity states that slavery is a crime and violence against female citizens due to sexual intercourse is also included in its definition. 

The Nazis' actions clearly violated modern international law and norms. Women forced into sex work and rape survivors face lasting shame, embarrassment, and mental illness. In addition, women working in these nursing homes cannot receive compensation for the injuries they suffer and are humiliated and humiliated. Consider the

 who needs to be punished. Although they were forced into this work, they faced serious legal problems and were excluded from the security of society after the war. For example, the German Prostitution Act of 1953, which criminalized sex workers, was designed to reduce the spread of prostitution and primarily ignore the broader issues regulating such sexual intercourse.

Terrible! "Wooden Horse Or Spanish Donkey" Method Of Punishment


Terrible! "Wooden Horse Or Spanish Donkey" Method Of Punishment

 The wooden horse, or Spanish donkey, was an extremely painful and gruesome medieval torture device.  It was first used by the Holy Inquisition in France and then in Spain and Germany, and then migrated to the Americas, gaining prominence during the colonial period.  The main design was the same wherever it was used.  It was a triangular wooden box with a very sharp top end (ie where the horse's spine would be).

 The apparatus was constructed of wood, with planks nailed together to form a long, tapered ridge, which would serve as the horse's back.  These were supported by four legs attached to a bracket, about 6 or 7 feet (1.8 to 2.1 metres) high, with wheels fitted to the bottom of the legs so that the entire device could roll across the ground.  A head and tail would be attached to make the torture device look like an almost “fun” huge wooden horse.

 The defendant would be mounted on the horse, with ankle weights and hands tied behind his back.  They were expected to hold this position for hours, sometimes days.

 Variants of the Spanish donkey were used from the Middle Ages (it was supposedly invented by the Holy Inquisition in 12th century France), until the American Civil War period of the 1860s. It was also a torture device favored by early Jesuits.  It has even been documented that one of the founding fathers of the United States used this torture device.  The frequent use of the device by the Spanish army was documented in the 19th century.

 In the Wooden Horse, with the chains on, the entire weight of the victim or prisoner fell on his vulva or pelvis.  Ankle weights were added to each side to make the skin tear.

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un Ple@sure Squad of 25 V!RGIN WOMANS


The North Korean pretrial detention and investigation system is arbitrary and lacks any semblance of due process, Human Rights Watch said in a report released

today. Former detainees described systematic torture, dangerous and unhygienic conditions, and unpaid forced labor.

The 88-page report, "Worth Less Than an Animal: Abuses and Due Process Violations in Pretrial Detention in North Korea," provides a unique and detailed description of the country's opaque criminal justice system. It highlights North Korea's weak legal and institutional framework, and the political nature of the courts and law enforcement agencies under the ruling Workers' Party of Korea.

"North Korea's pretrial detention and investigation system is arbitrary, violent, cruel, and degrading," said Brad Adams, Asia director. "North Koreans say they live in constant fear of being caught in a system where official procedures are usually irrelevant, guilt is presumed, and the only way out is through bribes and connections."

Human Rights Watch interviewed eight former government officials who fled the country and 22 North Koreans -15 women and 7 men - held in detention and interrogation facilities (kuryujang) since 2011, when the country's current leader, Kim Jong Un, took power.

Former detainees told Human Rights Watch that they had no way of knowing what would happen to them once they were arrested, had no access to an independent lawyer, and had no way of appealing to the authorities about torture or violations of the criminal procedure law. Once an individual faces an official investigation there is little chance of avoiding a sentence of short-term or long-term unpaid forced labor. Some female detainees reported sexual harassment and assault, including rape.

Former detainees said they were forced to sit still on the floor for days, kneeling or with their legs crossed, fists or hands on their laps, heads down, and with their eyes directed to the floor. If a detainee moved, guards punished the person or ordered collective punishment for all detainees.

Four former government officials said that the ruling Workers' Party of Korea considers detainees to be inferior human beings, and therefore unworthy of direct eye contact with law enforcement officers. They are referred to by a number instead of their names.

"If we moved, we were punished by standing and sitting, doing push-ups, abdominals, or holding onto the metal bars," said a former soldier who left North Korea in 2017 after being detained multiple times for smuggling and trying to escape to South Korea. He added:

The North Korean pretrial detention and investigation system is arbitrary and lacks any semblance of due process, Human Rights Watch said in a report released

today. Former detainees described systematic torture, dangerous and unhygienic conditions, and unpaid forced labor.

The 88-page report, "Worth Less Than an Animal: Abuses and Due Process Violations in Pretrial Detention in North Korea," provides a unique and detailed description of the country's opaque criminal justice system. It highlights North Korea's weak legal and institutional framework, and the political nature of the courts and law enforcement agencies under the ruling Workers' Party of Korea.

"North Korea's pretrial detention and investigation system is arbitrary, violent, cruel, and degrading," said Brad Adams, Asia director. "North Koreans say they live in constant fear of being caught in a system where official procedures are usually irrelevant, guilt is presumed, and the only way out is through bribes and connections."

Human Rights Watch interviewed eight former government officials who fled the country and 22 North Koreans -15 women and 7 men - held in detention and interrogation facilities (kuryujang) since 2011, when the country's current leader, Kim Jong Un, took power.

Former detainees told Human Rights Watch that they had no way of knowing what would happen to them once they were arrested, had no access to an independent lawyer, and had no way of appealing to the authorities about torture or violations of the criminal procedure law. Once an individual faces an official investigation there is little chance of avoiding a sentence of short-term or long-term unpaid forced labor. Some female detainees reported sexual harassment and assault, including rape.

Former detainees said they were forced to sit still on the floor for days, kneeling or with their legs crossed, fists or hands on their laps, heads down, and with their eyes directed to the floor. If a detainee moved, guards punished the person or ordered collective punishment for all detainees.

Four former government officials said that the ruling Workers' Party of Korea considers detainees to be inferior human beings, and therefore unworthy of direct eye contact with law enforcement officers. They are referred to by a number instead of their names.

"If we moved, we were punished by standing and sitting, doing push-ups, abdominals, or holding onto the metal bars," said a former soldier who left North Korea in 2017 after being detained multiple times for smuggling and trying to escape to South Korea. He added:

Sunday, June 23, 2024

These days prostitution is legal in many country and other country doesn't have any harsh punishment regarding this matter.


These days prostitution is legal in many country and other country doesn't have any harsh punishment regarding this matter.

But in early 16th century prostitution was seen as a sin and punishment was brutal

Prostitute or brothel keepers would be branded with hot a iron and banished from the town and sometime the iron rod was inserted in some private parts of the prostitute

This was the popular punishment in the major parts of Europe

This picture depicts a famous incident of Lady , who ran a brothel in Aberdeen, was branded with a hot iron on both cheeks by a hangman and made to wear a paper crown, before being banished from the city.

In Europe during the Middle Ages, church leaders attempted to rehabilitate penitent prostitutes and fund their dowries. Nevertheless, prostitution flourished: it was not merely tolerated but also protected, licensed, and regulated by law, and it constituted a considerable source of public revenue. Public brothels were established in large cities throughout Europe. At Toulouse, in France, the profits were shared between the city and the university; in England, bordellos were originally licensed by the bishops of Winchester and subsequently by Parliament.

Stricter controls were imposed during the 16th century, in part because of the new sexual morality that accompanied the Protestant Reformation and the Counter-Reformation. Just as significant was the dramatic upsurge of sexually transmitted diseases. Sporadic attempts were made to suppress brothels and even to introduce medical inspections, but such measures were to little avail.

In the late 19th century a variety of changes in Western societies revived efforts to suppress prostitution. With the rise of feminism, many came to regard male libertinism as a threat to women’s status and physical health. Also influential was a new religious-based moralism in Protestant countries. Antiprostitution campaigns flourished from the 1860s, often in association with temperance and women’s suffrage movements. International cooperation to end the traffic in women for the purpose of prostitution began in 1899. In 1921 the League of Nations established the Committee on the Traffic in Women and Children, and in 1949 the United Nations General Assembly adopted a convention for the suppression of prostitution.

Friday, June 21, 2024

In the entire history of humans, this is the strangest idea we have ever thought of.

 In the entire history of humans, this is the strangest idea we have ever thought of.

1. The Breast Ripper for Unmarried Mothers During the Dark Ages it was believed that the unwed mother would destroy society. In an effort to prevent women from getting pregnant in public, breast rippers were used to tear off the breasts of the pregnant mother. This way the "bastards" would starve and other women would think twice before getting themselves pregnant.

2. Animal criminals It was common for animals to be sentenced for crimes and tried as if they were humans. Pigs roamed freely in many common areas in the city and were often prosecuted for the murder of children.

3. During the dark ages it was believed about witches that if you saw a woman from her vagina to half of her head, it would prove whether she was a witch or not. A witch would pretend to be dead and later her soul would resurrect another woman. However, if you burn them, a witch cannot survive.

4. Women couldn't go on top The Christian church was so sexually averse that even cowgirl sex positions became compulsory. A woman riding cowgirl was considered a sin because it put a woman in a dominant position of sexual power over a man.

According to the Church, any sexual act that could only be used for pleasure and not procreation was also considered a sin and therefore illegal and punishable with lifetime sentences in a civil prison or dungeon.

5. A person's face tells you everything about them The idea that humans naturally attribute personality traits to the animals they look like stems from this.

5. Phrenology This was a scientific belief that the shape of your head determined your personality, intelligence, morality, and criminality.

6. Abortionists used condoms as a witch Women who needed contraceptives or abortions could see women who called themselves witches, but these women did not sell condoms.

Control pills. They made magical amulets that were supposed to keep a woman from getting pregnant.

7. Female Hysteria From the 17th century until the 1950s, the medical community believed that if a woman was alone for too long or was widowed, a mental illness called female hysteria would set in. There were several treatments. A woman would be given deep water massages on her vagina in the hospital to ease her hysteria.n the entire history of humans, this is the strangest idea we have ever thought of.

1. The Breast Ripper for Unmarried Mothers During the Dark Ages it was believed that the unwed mother would destroy society. In an effort to prevent women from getting pregnant in public, breast rippers were used to tear off the breasts of the pregnant mother. This way the "bastards" would starve and other women would think twice before getting themselves pregnant.

2. Animal criminals It was common for animals to be sentenced for crimes and tried as if they were humans. Pigs roamed freely in many common areas in the city and were often prosecuted for the murder of children.

3. During the dark ages it was believed about witches that if you saw a woman from her vagina to half of her head, it would prove whether she was a witch or not. A witch would pretend to be dead and later her soul would resurrect another woman. However, if you burn them, a witch cannot survive.

4. Women couldn't go on top The Christian church was so sexually averse that even cowgirl sex positions became compulsory. A woman riding cowgirl was considered a sin because it put a woman in a dominant position of sexual power over a man.

According to the Church, any sexual act that could only be used for pleasure and not procreation was also considered a sin and therefore illegal and punishable with lifetime sentences in a civil prison or dungeon.

5. A person's face tells you everything about them The idea that humans naturally attribute personality traits to the animals they look like stems from this.

5. Phrenology This was a scientific belief that the shape of your head determined your personality, intelligence, morality, and criminality.

6. Abortionists used condoms as a witch Women who needed contraceptives or abortions could see women who called themselves witches, but these women did not sell condoms.

Control pills. They made magical amulets that were supposed to keep a woman from getting pregnant.

7. Female Hysteria From the 17th century until the 1950s, the medical community believed that if a woman was alone for too long or was widowed, a mental illness called female hysteria would set in. There were several treatments. A woman would be given deep water massages on her vagina in the hospital to ease her hysteria.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Here are some mind-blowing facts about Leonardo DiCaprio

 Certainly! Here are some mind-blowing facts about Leonardo DiCaprio:

  1. Environmental Activism: Leonardo DiCaprio is a dedicated environmental activist. In 1998, he established the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, which focuses on global warming, preserving Earth's biodiversity, and supporting renewable energy. The foundation has awarded over $100 million in grants.

  2. Oscar Journey: Despite being one of the most acclaimed actors of his generation, DiCaprio's journey to winning an Oscar was a long one. He received his first nomination in 1994 for What's Eating Gilbert Grape and finally won the Best Actor Oscar in 2016 for The Revenant, over 20 years later.

  3. Near-Death Experiences: DiCaprio has had multiple close calls with death. He survived a shark attack while diving in South Africa, a parachute malfunction while skydiving, and a near-plane crash when an engine caught fire during a flight to Russia.

  4. Method Acting: DiCaprio is known for his dedication to method acting. For his role in The Revenant, he endured freezing temperatures, ate raw bison liver, and slept in animal carcasses to deliver a more authentic performance.

  5. Early Start: DiCaprio's career started young. He began acting in television commercials at the age of 14. His first major film role came at age 17 in This Boy's Life (1993), where he starred opposite Robert De Niro.

  6. Name Origins: Leonardo DiCaprio was named after the famous artist Leonardo da Vinci. His mother, while pregnant, was looking at a Da Vinci painting in a museum in Italy when DiCaprio first kicked, inspiring the name.

  7. Art and Film Preservation: Beyond environmentalism, DiCaprio is passionate about art and film preservation. He has donated substantial amounts to organizations like the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to support the preservation of cultural heritage.

  8. Multilingual: DiCaprio speaks a bit of several languages. He speaks German, which he learned from his German mother and grandmother, and some Italian, as well as basic Russian, which he picked up for his role in The Wolf of Wall Street.

  9. High-Grossing Films: Many of DiCaprio’s films have been massive box-office successes. Titanic, released in 1997, was the first film to gross over $1 billion worldwide and remained the highest-grossing film of all time until 2010.

  10. Selective Film Choices: DiCaprio is known for being highly selective with his film roles, often choosing to work with acclaimed directors such as Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino, and Christopher Nolan. This selectivity has contributed to his consistent performance in critically acclaimed and financially successful films.