Sunday, September 1, 2024

What is the craziest military tactic ever used?

The modern day bayonet charge.

Even back when the bayonet charge was a legitimate war time tactic, you still needed to have some stones to pull it off. In modern times with weapons that include magazines, ammo belts, high explosives, and weapons with high cyclic rate of fire; the thought of a bayonet charge is insane. As a disclaimer, I would not try this at home or at all.

Enter Corporal Brian Wood.

On 14 May 2004 a squad of British warrior fv510s (an infantry fighting vehicle that carries a small squad of infantry and light weaponry) were responding as backup to a unit that had been ambushed at a point known as Checkpoint Danny Boy outside of Amarah in Iraq.

More than 100 of the Mahdi forces from prepared positions had opened fire and disabled a number of the vehicles in the patrol. Corp. Wood’s unit came to respond. When Corp. Brian Wood (then aged 22) came under fire, he found that his lead vehicle had been struck by a well placed rocket propelled grenade, knocking it completely out of the fight. Corp. Wood’s vehicle was struck next. The driver of the Warrior turned to Wood and told him what happened, “we’re #^%ed, the 30mm cannon has been disabled, and we’re one lucky shot away from becoming an over-microwaved TV dinner.”

Under pressure with enemy fire coming from three different positions and knowing his vehicle was a sitting duck, Wood did the only thing that seemed to make sense to him at the time. Without hesitation he kicked the back door open and ordered his men to fix bayonets.

Rather than staying put and waiting under cover for backup, Wood and his 5 soldiers decided to take the fight to the enemy.

Using sequential bounding tactics, the six British men would charge, drop, fire, and charge. They made their way 200 or so meters to safety. They made it all the way to the enemy fixed position, and charged over it. The men on the fixed position were not expecting hand to hand combat, so Wood’s men made short work of the men who were there. They attracted so much attention that it pulled the attackers back from attacking the convoy. The crew members inside of his warrior were able to bring its 30 mm cannon back online. The Mahdi forces withdrew shortly after.

The best part of this? Not only did it work, and not only were there enemies that were captured/ forced to retreat, but none of the British were killed.

Corporal Wood went on to receive a military cross for bravery.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Blood oozed through the soil at grave sites.

Blood oozed through the soil at grave sites. You could see the pits move, some of them were still alive': The secrets of Ukraine's shameful 'Holocaust of Bullets' killing centre where 1.6million Jews were executed

Seventy years on from the end of the Second World War the full, shocking scale of the Nazi-inspired Holocaust in Ukraine is finally being revealed - thanks to pioneering work by a French Catholic priest to research the truth of the industrial-scale killing.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

In the Middle Ages, some believed that the womb was a "liquid",


In the Middle Ages, some believed that the womb was a "liquid", a body that contained poisons that could "wander" through the female body, spread diseases, and cause hysteria. Sigmund Freud believed that clitoral orgasm was a sign of mental illness and that the clitoris was the cause of female sexual attraction, the cause of fever. Unmarried parents

 the dark ages, it was believed that unmarried parents would destroy humanity. Breast rippers were used to destroy pregnant women's breasts in an attempt to publicly ban pregnant women. This way the "bastards" will starve and other women will think twice before getting pregnant. Witches of the Dark Ages

 was believed that if you saw a woman cut in half from her genitals to her head, this would prove that she was a witch. The witch will fake her death and her soul will live on in another woman. But if you burn them, the demons cannot escape. Animal Crime

 is common for animals to be tried and 
 for the same crimes as humans. Pigs roam freely in public spaces in many cities and are often prosecuted for killing children. Nail Wounds: Bleeding Corpses as Legal Shooting

 a person is killed, it is believed that the body will bleed in the presence of the murderer. When this happens, that person kills people. Women can't get to the top

 Christian Church has oppressed sex so
 much that even sex work has become compulsory. It is considered a sin for a woman to ride a cowgirl because it puts the woman in a position where she has more sexual power than the man. According to the church, any sexual activity used solely for pleasure and not for procreative purposes is considered sinful and therefore illegal and punishable by life imprisonment or imprisonment. >6. A person's face tells you everything about them. Phrenology

 is the belief that the shape of your 
 determines your character, intelligence, morality, and criminal behavior. Non-whites and less whites (Irish, Slavs) were lower. Africans in particular are thought to be closer to apes and cavemen than Europeans (ironically, full-blooded Africans do not have Neanderthal/Neanderthal DNA).